Day 10

Today was a good day. I started off by restarting the level and redoing it. Then i remade the map to make it longer.
Then I gave the game a camera movement effect.
I also made a "Death Box" that i placed on the map the says "You Died" then it restarts the game.
I am still having troubles with the players movement. So tomorrow i will work on on the players movement for the game.

Day 9

Today i learned some new things in code and i tested them out. I learned how to add collision to the the solid objects in the game and then i tested it out and it worked it was a lot of code but i eventually got it. I made kinda of an example of a platform game but this isn't the game its just a test.
I added commands for moving left and right (hspeed = x) etc.
Next class i will add jumping and a way to stop if i let go of the key like a toggle.

Day 8

Today I finally completely finished my game YAY :D. After 1 week I finished my first Game Maker game. I learned a lot from making this game, such as how to replace execute_string() function, how to use arrays, how to use If, Else statements in different ways etc. Tomorrow I will learn more about GML and get more in-depth with the coding then starting Monday I will be starting a new game. I don't have any ideas yet but i will think for one over the weekend.

Day 7

Today I figured out a replacement to execute_string() by make a script then putting the action string contents inside the script then saying action = scriptname.

Then in the parent balloon i put execute_script() which wasn't removed from the game and it worked when i tried it :D.
I'm not completely done with all the scripts I just have to redo all the power up codes which isn't alot.

Tomorrow I will work on redoing the powerups and giving them scripts and after that my game will probably be done :))))

Day 6

Today i pretty much finished my game, there's just one problem. They removed the execute_string() command from GML so I can't find out how to execute a string for my powerups. But nonetheless, today was hard. I made the ballon generator  which took a lot of code and writing. After I finished that I went on making the title screen and highscore. If you click new game it starts the game.
so the powerups don't work because I need to find another way to execute a string.

Tomrrow I will fix the powerups and find an alternative to execute_string()

Day 5

Today I started working on the powerups and making objects for them. I haven't added them yet I will add them next day because I need to make probability for the balloons and powerups. I added a way so that the player loses lives depending on how many points the balloons are worth if you were to kill them. I then added a code which prompts a message asking "What is your name"?
Whatever you type in there will be stored in a .txt file, and when I make the leader board it will access the .txt file and display it.

Next class I will finish the game by adding the probability counters for the balloons and powerups.

Day 4

This morning I fixed a bug that I wanted to fix last class but I didn't have time. So if you look at yesterdays post and look at the bullet and rocket shooting you could see that it kinda shoots them a bit to the left of the player. I fixed this today by adding a certain amount to the X coordinates of player (ex. x + 9).
After Fix
After that I went on to making objects for the balloons and making each have different properties depending on what color they are. Some are faster and some take two hits to kill.
Tomorrow I will work on the powerups that the balloons drop.

Day 3

I was officially supposed to start my blog writing today but since I already started to learn things i said why not start now and not wait till Monday. Today i had fun because I finally started adding the player movement into the game, It wasn't that hard to do it. I started off today by finishing my last sprite spr_rocket_erange which makes the fire rate of the rocket secondary faster. After that I made a new event called obj_player which is the object you control. I added some events to it that did certain things such as: if I press Right move x += 1. and i did that for both left and right. If you press up I made it so that it shoots, i added a certain fire rate for the bullets and gave it its sprite. I did the same thing for the rocket (secondary weapon) if you press down shoot rocket but the rocket is slower and has a slower fire rate.

here is how the game looks so far

Tomorrow I will fix a bug that makes the bullet shoot from the side and not from the front. I will also work on giving balloons lives or health.

Day 2

This day was very productive for me. I learned more about GML for example I learned about If, else, while and for statements which are very useful in programming and coding, a lot of programming languages use this. After this, I started a new project in Game Maker called "Balloon Fighter". This game is a rip-off of space invaders but instead of aliens I made the enemies balloons which are being shot by an airplane (you the player). There are gonna be different colors of balloons and they will have different speeds. Some balloons will drop power ups when killed which give you upgrades depending on what they are. The airplane(you) will have 2 weapons: a primary gun and a secondary rocket. Today I only made most of the sprites for the enemies and the player.
I started off by making the airplane and balloon sprites. The balloon sprites have another sprite that I will later connect to called spr_balloon_pop. It will activate when the balloon is shot and it shows an animation of it popping.

I then continued to work on the the rest of the sprites the power ups etc. On Monday I will try to finish the rest of the sprites.
Tomorrow I will work on making the objects for the player and the balloons.

Day 1

Today my teacher introduced me to the game maker group. They showed me what they were doing and sent me the blog link of the progress they have so far. I got back to my computer and started learning GML (because thats the code they use in Game Maker Studio). I learned about the syntax of code (which is like grammar of Enlgish but in code). I also learned about arguments and functions. Functions are like procedures or routines and arguments are like the values that are part of the function.
Tomorrow I will start working on my game I have a couple ideas in mind but we'll see tomorrow.

Friday Post

What I did this week

       This week in Info Tech 9, I did a lot of cool things! I started off on Monday learning how to add a printer or folder if it didn't show up on the computer. Then I started by making my blog and making a dropbox account to store my stuff because the SD-35 servers weren't reliable and lost stuff often. On Tuesday I started my first post by predicting my grade for IT9 then getting .gif images off google images of the numbers, percent and the letter of the grade I'm predicting (ex. 96% A). After I download the .gif images I would make a new post and add the .gif images in order on the blog post then I would publish it. On Wednesday I started off by doing a small review of downloading printers and folders from SD-35 servers again then our teacher gave us an assignment in Photoshop. I had to make the letters of my name using Photoshop from a background picture and after I finished that I would have to make a table in HTML when I create a new post so that the letters are aligned and not too big. On Thursday I just waited for the rest of the class to finish yesterdays assignment and help out some of my classmates with it.

What I learnt this week

        This week in Info Tech 9 I learned a few things that i didn't know before. I learned how to add a printer or folder if it didn't show up on the computer. I also learned how to use Blogger to make a website and to post blogs on it. But the funnest part about it was using Photoshop because i don't use it very often at home. The first week of school was interesting and I hope to do more cool things the rest of this semester :)