Day 3

I was officially supposed to start my blog writing today but since I already started to learn things i said why not start now and not wait till Monday. Today i had fun because I finally started adding the player movement into the game, It wasn't that hard to do it. I started off today by finishing my last sprite spr_rocket_erange which makes the fire rate of the rocket secondary faster. After that I made a new event called obj_player which is the object you control. I added some events to it that did certain things such as: if I press Right move x += 1. and i did that for both left and right. If you press up I made it so that it shoots, i added a certain fire rate for the bullets and gave it its sprite. I did the same thing for the rocket (secondary weapon) if you press down shoot rocket but the rocket is slower and has a slower fire rate.

here is how the game looks so far

Tomorrow I will fix a bug that makes the bullet shoot from the side and not from the front. I will also work on giving balloons lives or health.

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