Day 42

Today I worked on a lot of stuff. I started off the day by working on a new level.

I didn't have time to add it to the level select menu but it's fun :). It took a lot of time to test the level closely to make it work. I got my friends to test it out for me too. After that i tried to work on a new thing that mutes the game like a little speaker at the bottom of the game.

I tried doing many things but the game would just keep crashing every time i tried it. I think I know whats wrong and I will try to fix it next day.

I also worked on new slopes that i added to my level.

This week I learned a lot of things. I learned how to make the sound play only once when the variable equals that ammount I also learned how to add new slope sizes into the game, i learned how to add a new speed powerup. This week was fun.

Next day I will work on fixing the audio mute and some other problems.

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